Poppa Neutrino (the designer of 9 Neutrino rafts) with Ed Garry (designer
of the 10th Neutrino raft, the Absolute Absolution) at the helm as she leaves
Port Isabel and heads into the channel. |

June Donaldson films the Absolute Absolutions departure for future
documentaries. |

Brian Hockaday, our youngest crewmember, looking relaxed in anticipation
of his first rafting experience as the Absolution Absolution clears the jetties at South
Padre Island. |

Entering Mezquital at dawn after 24 hours of coastal motoring. |

Poppa and June at the helm as Brian takes soundings for safe anchoring. |

Our unusual vessel attracts the curiosity of the Mexican Marine
authorities, who are amazed that the Absolute Absolution was build in only a year and a
half. |

We use our time in Mezquital to step the first of our four masts. Ed
designs a tabernacle and the mast is layed out on the port wingdeck in preparation for
stepping. |

Shawn Kelley and Captain Betsy slowly raise
the mast while Ed adjusts the rigging (Brian and Tony Davis are out of shot on the top
deck at the end of the pole being used to support the upper section of the mast). |

Ed instructs Brian in the securing of the rigging to the deck. |

Shawn and Brian attach the shrouds to the side of the port hull. |

The mast stands proud and tall, ready to take sails. |

Tony gets a chance to get out of the engine room and take a trip in our
skiff with Ed to view the Absolution Absolution complete with mast. |

A shot of the starboard side. |

Yes, she still needs some more paintwork, but shes a natural beauty. |
A view looking head on at the Absolution Absolution at
anchor. |