Crew of trip to Cuba back row Shawn, Richard, Ed, Patty with Mia,
Galen, Betsy; front row - Poppa, Cory with Zoey, June |

Galen retrieves water dropped from a passing container ship. |

Cory, Zoey and Richard look on as the Carnival cruise ship approaches us
with supplies. |

Cool Zoey Waxman looks totally at home at sea on the Absolute Absolution. |

We make creative use of our sails to harness light winds. |
Ed takes advantage of calm conditions to snorkel in the
cobalt blue Gulf waters. |

Shawn looks on as Cuban officials help us tie up at Marina Hemingway,
Havana. |

At dock in Marina Hemingway with Cuban friends left to right Ed, Orlando,
June, Poppa, Shawn, Galen and Ramses. |

Poppa films a vintage motorcycle in Havana.
Photos from this trip |