The Son of Town Hall was built while we all lived in New York City. While there I started volunteering with the Red Cross, helping people who had been affected by a disaster.
After crossing the Atlantic on Son of Town Hall, then helping pilot her through France and into the Mediterranean Ocean, I decided to return to the USA.
Donna and I moved to California, married in 2001 and bought a house in 2010. It is quite different from traveling and living on a boat, but we’ve made the transition.
In California I started volunteering with the Red Cross again. Then the Red Cross hired me to be Director of Disaster Services for 10 years. First I was responsible for one county, but eventually I was responsible for seven counties. I currently work for the Sonoma County Office of Emergency Services, as an Emergency Coordinator. I still volunteer with the Red Cross and have served on more than 36 National Disasters.
Locally I am still very involved in assisting people with special needs. I have served for seven years on the board of Disaster Preparedness for Vulnerable Populations (DP4VP) as well as twelve years with the Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD). With ten years of service, I am the current chair of the Sonoma County Community Emergency Response Teams Association (SCCERTA). I teach CERT classes for community groups in a couple of counties.
My nickname is "Brother Maple Cream with the Sisters of Perpetual Cookies." Several times a year I make more than 50 dozen cookies, and join with others to distribute those through the county AIDS food bank. I also occasionally help at the county Food Bank.
My 3 goals of
- Adventure
- Helping Others
- To be seen as a leader in my community
are satisfied by my work and volunteer activities.