Seven Levels Description for Print

1. The Instinctive Level is the first level to get programmed, starting at birth, or even before. This is the level of physical nurturing and physical health and well-being - cuddling, being held, nursed and cared for. Normally this level is primarily programmed by your mother first, and by your other early caregivers. How they care for you is the basis of the unconscious programming in this level which will effect how you deal with and feel about this part of yourself all your life.

2. Your Sexual Level. Even as a baby you begin to discover this area and explore it, and how those around you respond to this, as well as their attitudes about sex and sexuality, and whatever activities in this level go on around you, are the beginning of your programming in this level. Later society's statements, overt and subtle, about sex and sexuality, and your peers responses and attitudes, will add to this early programming.

3. Imitative. Again the programming starts almost immediately, as the infant attempts to imitate the facial expressions and sounds, and then the actions, of those around. The amount of behaviors that are learned through imitation is phenomenal. By the time the child gets to school, the element of reward and punishment has been added to this level of programming. Those who imitate well are rewarded and those who do not are generally punished.

4. The Emotional Level. This level needs lots of free time and space of doing nothing in particular, with no commitments, in order to develop. This is the part that lives totally in the moment (existential timing); it is where that feeling of joy just to be alive comes from, like you felt as a child when you woke up and the whole world was new again, with endless possibilities. Some of us as adults do not even remember having those feelings, but if your emotional level is open, you can feel that way now. Also from the emotional level come feelings of deep love and connection, and the knowledge of what you want to do, on a deep level - not as a reaction to your programming, but from within yourself. It is pretty rare in our society for this level to stay open past childhood, or to develop. Summerhill, where the kids were free to do whatever they wanted (with responsibility taught through a democratic process) produced adults who were maybe less than the average population on the
"success" (imitative) level, i.e. fewer doctors and lawyers, more mechanics and gardeners, BUT they were way ahead of the average population in their emotional development - happier and more fulfilled. An overload of imitative life, and linear timing, (among other things) will cause the emotional life to shut down and not continue to develop.

5. The Intellectual Level. This level involves a type of thinking that most people never learn how to do, very different from the thinking which comes from the imitative level or the simple filing and
rearranging of facts. It works through the triad of Describe, Compare and Evaluate. When you start using those three processes to think about any subject, your thinking develops and expands and it is totally different from "ordinary" thinking. This is a level which cannot develop without effort, and being taught or mentored in this way of thinking, so in most people it never even begins to develop.

6. The Higher Emotional Level. This is the spiritual level, however you conceive it. What you've been taught about religion is not part of this level, that is in the imitative. This is where your actual spiritual
feelings come from, feelings of compassion, oneness with the universe, eternity, understandings about life beyond the physical plane. Also many types of intuition, telepathy, premonitions, etc. come from this level.

7. The Higher Intellectual Level. This is the level from which you perceive how the universe operates, what the cosmic laws are, "the universal unconscious" of Jung, or the akashic records. A flash of
insight into your soul's purpose in this life, or about your karma, would come from this level. When Einstein understood all that he eventually reduced and translated to the imitative level as e=mc2, he
was in the Higher Intellectual level. Levels 6 & 7 are non-verbal, since language is an imitative function, so in order to talk about experiences in these levels, it is necessary to reduce the experience. Physicists eventually understood some of what Einstein had seen, by studying the
reduced statement he gave them, but it was of course only a portion of the totality he saw/understood.

The first three levels - Instinctive, Sexual, and Imitative - are programmed by outside forces - parents, teachers, your culture, your peers, etc. Whether the next two develop or not depends on the individual's circumstances - the Emotional level requires lots of free time and space, the Intellectual level requires exposure to and practice in the use of the triad of Describe/Compare/Evaluate. The last two - Higher Emotional and Higher Intellectual - are fully formed and functioning all the time,
but whether or not we are in contact with them is the question. Simply becoming aware that you have these seven levels, and that you need to be responsible to all of them, will start to open up new elements in your life. If you take the step of rating your seven levels everyday, you will be feeding into your internal "computer" inputs based on your own evaluations, which, over time, will replace and override the programs put in by outside forces.   Close this window to return to Reprogramming Step by Step