Absolute Absolution
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Honduras to Panama

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The Absolute Absolution is pounded by 12-15 ft seas.

Both rudders are bent by strong waves.

Ed reinforces the rudder posts.

Ed and the crew make repairs under way.

But the port rudder post is sheared off by massive seas.

Geoff and Ripley change out sails.

Ed instructs Geoff in tightening the sheets.

A parachute is launched to assist steering.

Ripley hoists the Panamanian flag in the early morning.

June at the helm as we come into land.

A smiling Ed as we enter the San Blas Islands.

The crew triumphant

Kuna women paddle to sell us hand stitched molas

Part of the blouse worn by the Kuna women, called a mola.

We anchor in the aquamarine waters at Holandaise Cay.

Kuna men sail their cayukes past us

We take our skiff through a cut in the mangroves to a restaurant in the next bay.

Ed and Ripley enjoying desert at our farewell supper.


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©1999-2007, Floating Neutrinos.  All rights reserved. 
For information, contact floatingneutrinos@fastmail.fm
Special Thanks to Wiel
Last revised: March 27, 2007