Ed and June sit on the top deck of Son of Town Hall in Sete,
France, just before setting out for the American Northwest in August of 1999 |

Ed found some truly big logs, but nothing he could use to start his raft
with. |
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Ed, Capt. Betsy, Poppa Neutrino, and June at the headwaters of the
Mississippi River in April 2000, starting the Vilma B project |
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Ed throws a line to shore at one of our first night's stops on the
Mississippi |
June handles the line in one of the many locks on the Upper Mississippi |

Ed and June proudly holding up the first frame of the Absolute
Absolution, on the building platform next to the Vilma B
(The design was later modified and this frame was never used) |

One of the two sections of the Vilma B raft which stayed in
Corpus Christi with Ed when he decided to start building the Absoolute Absolution there.
These raft sections became the floating, expandable building platform. |

Thor watches as the rest of the Vilma B raft
and crew depart from Corpus Christi. He was now part of Ed's crew. |

Ed and June contemplate their new beginning
photos |